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AVS Culture Consulting


Our Services

We are a cutting-edge culture consulting firm that specialises in helping organisations thrive through an effective understanding of their culture in order to deliver winning strategies and drive better business outcomes.  


Our suite of services is designed to help businesses understand the working environment in which they operate, create psychologically safe spaces, promote inclusion and cognitive diversity and develop purpose-driven values and behaviours that drive optimal decision making.


Culture Evaluation, Target Culture Assessment and Implementation

Purpose, Values and Behaviors

Psychologically Safe Spaces and Speaking Up

​Inclusion, Cognitive Diversity and the Link to Culture

Culture and New Ways of Working

Why does Culture matter?

Culture Impacts Outcomes

What is Culture

Culture is a set of unwritten rules, it’s how things ‘get done’ in an organisation.

What contributes to culture?

Many elements contribute to the culture of an organisation, including
its values and how these are communicated internally and
externally, its working methods, ethics and level of social engagement, the well-being of its
employees, the working environment, approaches to teamwork and the quality of customer service
to name a few.

Why is it important?

Culture drives thinking, behaviour and decision-making in a firm. In practical
terms, if your culture, your way of ‘doing things’, does not support your strategy, you won’t be able
to deliver your strategic objectives.

Why Choose Us

We are driven to effect real change in the pattern of working life.

We are trilingual in English, French and Italian and have an in-depth cultural understanding of the way these different countries operate.

We combine the ability to navigate large and complex organisations and to drive change through effective stakeholder management 

Our skills and experience encompass both design and practical, bespoke, strategies to embed your target culture into the DNA of the firm.

The various controls that we have managed have also enhanced our Data management and trend analysis skills.


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